Museum of the Bible Speaker Series: Byron Johnson: The Role of theBible in Prisoner Transformation
In the latest installment of the Museum of the Bible Speaker Series, Byron Johnson, Religious Freedom Institute Senior Advisor and the Director of the Institute for the Studies of Religion at Baylor University will address the role of the Bible in prisoner transformation.
There is mounting evidence that increasing religiosity not only reduces crime and delinquency, but also promotes prosocial behavior. Museum of the Bible is excited to host Byron Johnson who will present compelling evidence that the Bible and faith-motivated individuals and organizations provide a powerful antidote to crime-related problems.
Speaker: Byron Johnson, Director, Institute for the Studies of Religion at Baylor University and Senior Advisor, Religious Freedom Institute
Respondents: Philip Monroe, American Bible Society; Richard Lewis, Prison Fellowship
To Learn more about the event and to reserve tickets visit: https://www.museumofthebible.org/education/public-programs/role-of-the-bible-in-prisoner-transformation