America's First Freedom Curriculum
Designed to help tomorrow's leaders understand why religious freedom is fundamental to a stable and flourishing society
America’s First Freedom is a unit of study developed to provide religious freedom instruction in private, homeschool, and public school settings with editions for high school and middle school. The curriculum consists of five lessons that allow students to explore this embattled human right, articulate and defend it in the public square, and take their rightful place as free, equal, and responsible citizens. Although the curriculum is designed for students to study the lessons in sequence, the flexible format also allows each lesson to stand alone as an individual unit of study.
The five lessons are anchored in the genius of America’s Founding Fathers, who understood that the fundamental principle of religious freedom is rooted in human nature and meant to be enjoyed by everyone, everywhere. Written and reviewed by teachers with considerable content expertise and years of classroom experience, the curriculum is based on sound pedagogical methods and benchmarked to national standards. In addition to the student lessons, quizzes and other supplemental learning resources are available.


Before you start Lesson 1, read this important introduction to understand the philosophy, goals, and features of the AFFC curriculum.

Teachers can request access to this Teaching Guide that contains a full explanation of key features of the curriculum, quiz keys, and supplemental learning activities.

This lesson explores key questions that are foundational to the belief that the free exercise of religion is essential to human dignity and rightly understood to be a basic human right.
- Student Lesson
- Learning Resources
- Quiz (password required)

This lesson explores the American Founders and the documents they wrote to determine how they understood religion and the right to “exercise” religion—a right they enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as “America’s First Freedom.”
- Student Lesson
- Learning Resources
- Quiz (password required)

This lesson considers how religious freedom, mediated through the political process, is necessary for the protection of other personal liberties and the promotion of a healthy society.
- Student Lesson
- Learning Resources
- Quiz (password required)

This lesson examines the meaning of the establishment and free exercise clause of the First Amendment by surveying key US Supreme Court decisions from the 19th century to the present.
- Student Lesson
- Learning Resources
- Quiz (password required)

This lesson analyzes recent evidence to determine if religious freedom has become a global priority and examine the global network of government agencies and private organizations that have emerged to make this a reality.
- Student Lesson
- Learning Resources
- Quiz (password required)

This lesson explores the first principles of religious freedom including the evidence that suggests religion is an important part of human identity and that religious freedom is necessary for the preservation of human dignity and the rights of all people.

This lesson explores key ideas about religion and society that were held by America’s Founders, the revolutionary documents they wrote, and their rationale for considering the right to openly practice one’s religion as vital to the success of the American experiment.

This lesson follows the Founders as they transition from the sacrifices of the Revolution to the hard work of building a new political system that would preserve the freedoms they had just fought to secure. In the process, they made religious freedom “America’s First Freedom.”

This lesson examines the evidence to determine if people are safer, healthier, and happier when religious freedom is protected in law and embraced by society?

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 1

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 2

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 3

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 4

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 5

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 6

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 7

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 8

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 9

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 10

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 11

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 12

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 13

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 14

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 15

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 16

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 17

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 18

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 19

America’s First Freedom Curriculum Series | Video 20