NextGen Summer Speaker Series: The Fourth of July, the Founders,and the First Freedom
Tom Farr, President of the Religious Freedom Institute
Tom Farr is the President of the Religious Freedom Institute. Dr. Farr served in the U.S. Army and Foreign Service for 28 years. He has spent the last two decades advocating for religious liberty, including as founding Director of the State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom and as Director of Georgetown’s Religious Freedom Research Project. Do not miss this excellent opportunity to network with other other young professionals and the Religious Freedom Institute team.
The 90-minute sessions will feature a 30-minute keynote discussion, followed by 30 minutes of Q/A, and a 30 minute session for open discussion and networking.
Light refreshments will be provided.
To learn more about this series, visit https://www.religiousfreedominstitute.org/2018summerseries