Source of Fracture or a Foundation? The Role of Education in Advancing Religious Freedom
An Event Celebrating the Nationwide Expansion of RFI’s Center for Religious Freedom Education
We stand at a critical moment in American history when the educational system is under siege by ideologies that threaten core tenets of our democracy, especially the free exercise of religion in society. Why are educational institutions and teachers moving away from bedrock principles of freedom upon which our nation was founded? Why is the role of religion in society being marginalized or ignored altogether in our schools, and why are those who practice their faith so often disparaged in society? Will America’s educational system continue fracturing beyond repair or can we rebuild it to be stronger upon the cornerstone of freedom laid by our Founders in the First Amendment? These important issues are being decided at this pivotal moment in the life of our nation.
On the evening of May 5th, RFI’s Center for Religious Freedom will formally announce its nationwide expansion to meet these challenges. Please join RFI for this momentous occasion in which leading experts in education, law, and policy will address what is driving centers of excellence in education to begin rising up to defend democracy and religious free exercise across America.
Mary Rice Hasson– Kate O’Beirne Fellow, Ethics & Public Policy Center
Dr. Larry Taylor – President of the Association of Christian Schools International
David Trimble – Vice President for Public Policy and Director of the Center for Religious Freedom Education, Religious Freedom Institute
Steven Collis – Clinical Professor, University of Texas School of Law and Director, Bech-Loughlin First Amendment Center
Richard Garnett – Paul J. Schierl/Fort Howard Corporation Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame Law School
Summative Remarks:
Ken Starr – Former U.S. Circuit Court Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit, former U.S. Solicitor General, and currently serving as Of Counsel at The Lanier Law Firm