The Kukah Centre for Faith, Leadership, and Public Policy based in Abuja, Nigeria has released a critical report through its Nigerian Atrocities Documentation Project (NADP). The report was funded by a generous grant from the Government of Hungary.
Just yesterday the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom issued a report addressing allegations of attacks on Fulani Muslims in west and central Africa. This USCIRF report provides additional context for the ongoing violence to which NADP is drawing attention in its own report.
Fr. Atta Barkindo, Executive Director of The Kukah Centre and RFI Senior Fellow, gave RFI permission to release this timely, data-driven NADP report, which “provides tracked incidents of attacks on Christians and minority groups on a quarterly basis while analysing the ideological and socio-political drivers of violence by non-state actors, as well as the impact of these attacks on victims.”
The NADP report also outlines “strategies that must be deployed to address the security crises in Northern Nigeria [and] provides some policy recommendation for the Federal Government, security agencies, the international community and other stakeholders like the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).”
**An updated version of this report will be published on May 27, 2023. Please check back at that time.
Disclaimer: This report contains sensitive information and disturbing images. Reader discretion is therefore advised.

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