November 15, 2024, Washington, D.C. – The Religious Freedom Institute (RFI) is delighted to announce that RFI President Emeritus Tom Farr is this year’s recipient of Alliance Defending Freedom’s (ADF) prestigious “Edwin Meese III Originalism and Religious Liberty Award.”
Since 2009, ADF has given this award annually to a person who has demonstrated “extraordinary leadership in advancing constitutional originalism and protecting religious liberty.” ADF has recognized such exceptional leaders as Justice Antonin Scalia, Congressman Frank Wolf, and Professor Mary Ann Glendon.
ADF’s award ceremony was held earlier today in McLean, Virginia and comes two days after Farr received RFI’s Defender of Religious Freedom Award, which is given each year at RFI’s Annual Dinner in Washington, D.C. to “a person who defends religious freedom for everyone, everywhere from within his or her faith tradition.”
“We are grateful to our dear friends at ADF for recognizing our founding president with this award,” remarked RFI President David Trimble. “Tom Farr’s leadership goes beyond RFI and extends throughout the broader religious freedom movement globally. We at RFI enthusiastically celebrate with Tom as he receives this distinct honor.”
Read Farr’s published remarks here.
The Religious Freedom Institute (RFI) works to secure religious freedom for everyone, everywhere. RFI is a non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, D.C.

Media Contact: Nathan Berkeley

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