
Sarah Whitely

Sarah attended the Statesmanship and Religious Freedom Seminar in Washington, D.C. in 2022. The seminar offered her an excellent opportunity to explore both the principles and practices of the religious freedom space. She was particularly impressed by the bi-partisan efforts she witnessed and fondly remembers the commitment she saw in both Ambassador Rashad Hussain and Congressman Chris Smith. “I saw how two individuals with different political affiliations not only shared similar concerns about religious intolerance and persecution, but also worked together to find solutions.”

In December 2023, Sarah graduated from Bob Jones University (BJU) with a bachelor of arts in political science and a business minor. At BJU, she served as President of the University Investment Association, Treasurer of the Public Policy Organization, and delegate to both the U.S. Naval Academy’s Foreign Affairs Conference and the South Carolina Student Legislature. After graduation, Sarah worked in the office of Rep. Michael McCaul before accepting her current research position with the Senate Commerce Committee.