
Featured image for “National Identity Versus Religious Identity in Pakistan”

National Identity Versus Religious Identity in Pakistan

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Featured image for “Symbolic Gestures Not Enough for Pakistan’s Minorities”

Symbolic Gestures Not Enough for Pakistan’s Minorities

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Featured image for “Tolerating Blasphemy: Lessons From An Indonesian Election”

Tolerating Blasphemy: Lessons From An Indonesian Election

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Featured image for “Care about religious freedom worldwide? One of the candidates would be a disaster.”

Care about religious freedom worldwide? One of the candidates would be a disaster.

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Featured image for “The Limits of a Clinton Religious Freedom Agenda”

The Limits of a Clinton Religious Freedom Agenda

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Featured image for “Three Ways the 45th President Can Advance International Religious Freedom”

Three Ways the 45th President Can Advance International Religious Freedom

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Featured image for “An Opportunity for Change: A Hillary Clinton Presidency and International Religious Freedom”

An Opportunity for Change: A Hillary Clinton Presidency and International Religious Freedom

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Featured image for “Congress, a Rabbi, and Vladimir Putin Walk into a Bar: Religious Freedom and the Clinton Presidency”

Congress, a Rabbi, and Vladimir Putin Walk into a Bar: Religious Freedom and the Clinton Presidency

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Featured image for “Can Donald Trump Protect the Christians Obama Abandoned?”

Can Donald Trump Protect the Christians Obama Abandoned?

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Featured image for “Slow Train Coming – Religious Freedom and a New Democratic President”

Slow Train Coming – Religious Freedom and a New Democratic President

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Featured image for “The Trump Candidacy: A Foreshadow of a Trump Presidency?”

The Trump Candidacy: A Foreshadow of a Trump Presidency?

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Featured image for “Trump’s GOP Takeover a Serious Loss for the Cause of Religious Freedom”

Trump’s GOP Takeover a Serious Loss for the Cause of Religious Freedom

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Featured image for “What Do We Know about Hillary Clinton and Religious Freedom?”

What Do We Know about Hillary Clinton and Religious Freedom?

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Featured image for “The Fight for Religious Freedom Begins at Home”

The Fight for Religious Freedom Begins at Home

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Featured image for “Clinton Moves from One Religion to Another – You Must Come Too”

Clinton Moves from One Religion to Another – You Must Come Too

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Featured image for “Whose Shame?”

Whose Shame?

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Featured image for “Spread the Word: Making the Case for Robust Religious Freedom”

Spread the Word: Making the Case for Robust Religious Freedom

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Featured image for “Religious Freedom and Higher Education: Worldview Matters”

Religious Freedom and Higher Education: Worldview Matters

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Featured image for “If Higher Education’s Religious Freedoms Go, So Goes Our Charitable Society”

If Higher Education’s Religious Freedoms Go, So Goes Our Charitable Society

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Featured image for “How Mother Teresa Changed Missions”

How Mother Teresa Changed Missions

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Featured image for “Russia Restricts Religious Liberty…Again”

Russia Restricts Religious Liberty…Again

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Featured image for “New Curbs On Religious Freedom Cast Soviet Shadow Over Russia”

New Curbs On Religious Freedom Cast Soviet Shadow Over Russia

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Featured image for “An All Too Typical Political Precedent in Russia: Yarovaya Laws Hit Minority Faiths First”

An All Too Typical Political Precedent in Russia: Yarovaya Laws Hit Minority Faiths First

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Featured image for “Russia’s New Anti-Missionary Law in Context”

Russia’s New Anti-Missionary Law in Context

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Featured image for “Two Decades of Bipartisan Cooperation on Government Funding and Religion . . . this can’t possibly be about the U.S.”

Two Decades of Bipartisan Cooperation on Government Funding and Religion . . . this can’t possibly be about the U.S.

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Featured image for “Toward a Strategy for Engaging a Resurgent Russia on Democracy, Human Rights, and Religious Liberty: Part II”

Toward a Strategy for Engaging a Resurgent Russia on Democracy, Human Rights, and Religious Liberty: Part II

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Featured image for “Toward a Strategy for Engaging a Resurgent Russia on Democracy, Human Rights, and Religious Liberty: Part I”

Toward a Strategy for Engaging a Resurgent Russia on Democracy, Human Rights, and Religious Liberty: Part I

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Featured image for “Looking Closer at Muslim Countries and Religious Freedom”

Looking Closer at Muslim Countries and Religious Freedom

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Featured image for “Islamic Roots of the Middle East’s Trust Deficit”

Islamic Roots of the Middle East’s Trust Deficit

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Featured image for “Conscience Protection and Discrimination in the Republican Party Platform and Mississippi’s H.B. 1523”

Conscience Protection and Discrimination in the Republican Party Platform and Mississippi’s H.B. 1523

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Featured image for ““FADA” Knows Best”

“FADA” Knows Best

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Featured image for “The Winding Way to Same-Sex Unions: A Euro-Italian Lesson”

The Winding Way to Same-Sex Unions: A Euro-Italian Lesson

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Featured image for “Battleground Over Religious Freedom Shifts Southward, with Broad Implications”

Battleground Over Religious Freedom Shifts Southward, with Broad Implications

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Featured image for “Obergefell and the Reconstituting of American Community”

Obergefell and the Reconstituting of American Community

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Featured image for “Why the U.S. Should Maintain a Close Partnership with Saudi Arabia”

Why the U.S. Should Maintain a Close Partnership with Saudi Arabia

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Featured image for “Time to Step Up Our Military Offensive Against ISIS”

Time to Step Up Our Military Offensive Against ISIS

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