Press Release

January 25, 2018 Washington, D.C. (Religious Freedom Institute— The Religious Freedom Institute (RFI) commends the U.S. Senate for confirming Governor Sam Brownback as the new U.S Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom.

Religious Freedom Institute President Thomas Farr welcomed the Senate’s decision: “Ambassador Brownback’s deep experience, and his commitment to religious freedom for all people, will help ensure American leadership in the vital work of reducing global religious persecution. We believe he will make U.S. religious freedom policy an integral part of America’s national security strategy.”

Ambassador Brownback will confront a host of daunting challenges and threats to stability and security. Rising levels of global religious persecution are being fueled by violent religious extremism, oppressive government policies, and aggressively anti-religious forms of secularism. Millions are suffering terrible depredations as a result. Nations and economies are being destabilized by the absence of religious freedom.

Ambassador Brownback is the right choice to lead U.S. policy in addressing this global crisis. In his 16 years as a Congressman and U.S. Senator, Brownback built a reputation as a steadfast advocate for religious freedom. He was one of the key supporters of the landmark International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, which established in law the promotion of religious freedom as an element of U.S. foreign policy.  The Act also created the ambassadorship Brownback now holds. In the Senate, Brownback played an integral role in increasing and improving the U.S. response to the genocide in Darfur by introducing the legislation that became the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006.

A policy brief released in early 2017 by the Religious Freedom Institute and the Institute for Global Engagement offers recommendations on international religious freedom policy to the Trump administration and Congress. The brief stresses the importance of integrating religious freedom into U.S. foreign policy and national security thinking.

The brief notes that by placing religious freedom at the core of our foreign policy “the Trump administration has a remarkable opportunity, at low cost, to make a major contribution to international justice and stability, fundamental human rights, economic growth, and U.S. national security.” RFI President Thomas Farr said that “Ambassador Brownback can make this vision a reality and deserves the support of all Americans in achieving it.”

Media Contact:
Jeremy P. Barker

The Religious Freedom Institute (RFI) works to secure religious freedom for everyone, everywhere. The RFI is a non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, D.C.

Media Contact: Jeremy P. Barker