
Brynn Keel

Brynn Keel began her internship at RFI after graduating from Brigham Young University-Idaho in the spring of 2020. As a Public Policy and Administration major, she wanted to explore the religious freedom space through an internship. Assigned to work with both the Middle East and Islam and Religious Freedom action teams, she spent a majority of her time contributing to newsletters and providing valuable research for a variety of projects. One of things she fondly remembers is the working alongside world leaders committed to ending religious persecution.

Brynn is currently working for Deseret Book as she makes plans for grad school and chooses a career path. “My goal in life is to do something that revolves around religious freedom. I really want to help make sure all religions are treated fairly and that everybody is able to live their beliefs. I didn’t know that’s what I wanted until I interned with RFI. My time there helped me connect with a lot of different people with whom I wouldn’t have otherwise connected.”