Religious Freedom and National Security: Opportunities for Secretary Pompeo
A panel discussion with Dr. Thomas Farr and Prof. Robert Destro, moderated by Family Research Council’s Travis Weber.
In recent history, United States foreign policy has approached the issue of religious freedom as a humanitarian issue—to be addressed when possible, but not incorporated into any wider, strategic thinking about security in the world order.
But what if it should be? Our one-off approach may have succeeded in isolated cases, but it has not really advanced religious freedom worldwide in any comprehensive, meaningful sense. Moreover, a developing body of evidence suggests that the presence of religious freedom is significantly connected to security, stability, and prosperity. In other words, we should understand that our safety at home seems increasingly related to religious freedom elsewhere. With ongoing, global security threats showing no sign of abating, should we at least be open to the possibility that we need to change our thinking on this issue?
Join FRC and guest experts as they discuss the implications of these findings for our foreign policy, and what Secretary of State Pompeo might do to shift America’s approach on this issue.
To learn more and to register visit: https://www.frc.org/events/religious-freedom-and-national-security-opportunities-for-secretary-pompeo