
Ian Spears

Ian Spears was a sophomore at Biola University when he first was introduced to the Religious Freedom Institute (RFI) at a lunch and lecture with founder and president emeritus Tom Farr. Listening to Tom Farr explain the fundamental role of religious liberty in society encouraged Ian to investigate more about religious freedom, which led him to read The Naked Public Square by Richard John Neuhaus. “I became convinced that religious freedom is a necessary component in the exchange of ideas and how it enables the pursuit of truth and moral goods.” 

Ian’s convictions on religious freedom led him to intern with RFI in the summer of 2019 as a contributor to both the North American Action Team and the National Center for Religious Freedom and Education under the supervision and mentoring of David Trimble. “I admire the mission at RFI, and I am grateful that I had an internship experience where I could contribute purpose driven and meaningful work.” After RFI, Ian graduated from the Torrey Honors College at Biola University with a B.A. in Political Science, interned at the Prison Fellowship working for their Justice Advocacy Groups, and completed a First Liberty Fellowship which gave him another chance to work with professionals and peers who were passionate about religious liberty.

Ian currently lives in Washington D.C. and works for the Law & Economics Center at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School as the judicial education program coordinator. In his capacity there, he recruits state and federal judges to participate in the university’s programs in law and economics. He is pursuing his M.A. in political science at George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government. He credits his RFI internship experience as continually shaping his career, as he has a passion for civic education undergirded by foundational principles like religious freedom.