Featured image for “Challenges to Religious Freedom in Iraq and the Critical Need for Action”

Challenges to Religious Freedom in Iraq and the Critical Need for Action

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Featured image for ““Nobody’s Listening”: Shining a Spotlight on the Yazidi Genocide”

“Nobody’s Listening”: Shining a Spotlight on the Yazidi Genocide

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Featured image for “Seen From Within: A Journey Into The Taliban’s New Order For Afghanistan”

Seen From Within: A Journey Into The Taliban’s New Order For Afghanistan

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Featured image for “What Effect Does Religious Freedom Promotion Have On Counterterrorism?”

What Effect Does Religious Freedom Promotion Have On Counterterrorism?

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Featured image for “Christian Persecution in the Midst of Chaos: The Cauldron of Iraq and Syria”

Christian Persecution in the Midst of Chaos: The Cauldron of Iraq and Syria

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Featured image for “Copts Of Egypt: From Survivors of Sectarian Violence To Targets Of Terrorism”

Copts Of Egypt: From Survivors of Sectarian Violence To Targets Of Terrorism

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Featured image for “Three Ways the 45th President Can Advance International Religious Freedom”

Three Ways the 45th President Can Advance International Religious Freedom

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Featured image for “Executive Director Addresses Threats to Religious and Ethnic Minorities Under the Islamic State”

Executive Director Addresses Threats to Religious and Ethnic Minorities Under the Islamic State

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Featured image for “Time to Step Up Our Military Offensive Against ISIS”

Time to Step Up Our Military Offensive Against ISIS

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Featured image for “A Flicker of Hope? Implications of the Genocide Designation for Religious Minorities in Iraq”

A Flicker of Hope? Implications of the Genocide Designation for Religious Minorities in Iraq

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Featured image for “To Stop Genocide, Defeat ISIS”

To Stop Genocide, Defeat ISIS

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Featured image for ““Preserving What ISIS Sought to Erase”—After the Genocide Declaration”

“Preserving What ISIS Sought to Erase”—After the Genocide Declaration

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Featured image for “The Moral Imperative to Prevent—Not Just Name—Genocide”

The Moral Imperative to Prevent—Not Just Name—Genocide

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Featured image for “Beyond Genocide: Toward Justice and Conciliation After ISIS”

Beyond Genocide: Toward Justice and Conciliation After ISIS

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Featured image for “Religious Freedom Abroad: A Road Map of Deterioration”

Religious Freedom Abroad: A Road Map of Deterioration

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Featured image for “Liberte, Egalite, Laicite? Understanding the Paris Attacks”

Liberte, Egalite, Laicite? Understanding the Paris Attacks

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Featured image for “The Worst Kind of Terror: ISIS And the Threat to Fundamental Rights”

The Worst Kind of Terror: ISIS And the Threat to Fundamental Rights

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Featured image for “The “Sayfo” Continues”

The “Sayfo” Continues

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Featured image for “Attitudes Towards Religious Minorities in the Arab World”

Attitudes Towards Religious Minorities in the Arab World

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Featured image for “Missing the Woods for the Trees”

Missing the Woods for the Trees

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Featured image for “Patterns of Anti-Christian Persecution”

Patterns of Anti-Christian Persecution

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Featured image for “The Shifting Patterns of Global Christian Persecution”

The Shifting Patterns of Global Christian Persecution

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Featured image for “Understanding the Cauldron that Brewed ISIS”

Understanding the Cauldron that Brewed ISIS

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Featured image for “Iraq: International Religious Freedom and Women’s Experiences on the Extremist Battlefield”

Iraq: International Religious Freedom and Women’s Experiences on the Extremist Battlefield

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Featured image for “Religious Freedom: Its Implications at Home and Abroad”

Religious Freedom: Its Implications at Home and Abroad

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Featured image for “Help Me to Stay”

Help Me to Stay

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Featured image for “A Response to President Obama on Countering Violent Extremism”

A Response to President Obama on Countering Violent Extremism

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Featured image for “The Mutual Anathemas of Violent Jihadism and Religious Freedom”

The Mutual Anathemas of Violent Jihadism and Religious Freedom

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