Tunisia Delegation Report

Title: Tunisia Delegation Report

Author: RFI’s Middle East Action Team and the All Party Parliamentary Group for Freedom of Religion or Belief (APPG FoRB)

About: This report presents recommendations for the British Government, the Tunisian Government, and the APPG FoRB. Among other points, the report recommends that British officials in London and Tunis should develop a better understanding and recognition of religious freedom not as a fringe humanitarian issue, but as foundational to the stability, security, prosperity, and wider flourishing of Tunisia. To this end, the report further recommends that the UK Government should consider additional opportunities for capacity building for their officials on the subject of religious freedom and related matters.

Learn more about the report and its announcement.

Publication Date: December 2023

Suggested Citation: RFI’s Middle East Action Team and All Party Parliamentary Group for Freedom of Religion or Belief. “Tunisia Delegation Report.” Religious Freedom Institute, 2023.